It's been a busy week. I'm very caffeinated and slightly sleep-deprived and definitely under-exercised and fantastically over-sugared, all of which conspire to make me slightly edgier than usual. Not in a cool, Grrrrrl with tattoos way, unfortunately; I'm simply more irritable. When I'm more irritable, I'm more likely to think judgmental thoughts. Thoughts such as...
High school boys are such odd creatures. What's with those teachers you hear about who have affairs with their students? There is something SERIOUSLY OFF about those teachers. Sitting here as the substitute, looking at the sea of pimply, slouchy young men dressed sloppily in various shades of Dreary (faded navy, gray, and black tee shirts abound), I can't help but think, "Wow, these are half-formed human beings."
revision99 is 20
4 months ago
Half formed?
I'm certain male brains don't show up in the cranium until past the age of 22 or so. Maybe never.
And to think we used to like them. Like, like-like them.
Bill, you must be an enlightened exception to the male tribe!
Ann, I KNOW! That's one of the crazy things about it! And I look at the pretty, smart, together teen girls giggling over these slouchy boys, and I wonder at hormones, how they defy logic.
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