Yesterday, I kept wondering what was wrong with me. I was grouchy beyond reason, which is not to say that I did not have some perfectly good reasons (coworkers behaving Very Badly) to be grouchy. But I felt all twisted up out of proportion to the stressors--my jaw was grinding, neck aching and stiff, head pounding, stomach queasy. I felt uncomfortably warm, although my officemate said she was a perfect temperature.
I came home and de-stressed with a nice walk around the park, and then realized: Oh, I'm a little sick. As the jawgrind unwound, the headache remained. The upset stomach became worse. I fell asleep on the couch rather dramatically--I felt pulled under by sleep--woke up wanting only toast and sips of water.
I'm still not feeling sick-sick, just worn out and mildly ill. I'm wondering whether this merits canceling my shiatsu client this afternoon. I suspect it does.
revision99 is 20
4 months ago
Oh, dear. I hope you get better soon.
Thanks. Me, too!
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