He looks so cute and innocent, doesn't he?
He's my sister's kitten. She found him in the bad, scary streets outside the gang-infested school where she works. His mommy had abandoned the litter.

He's doing OK, though.
I suspect his mommy left him too soon, because he DID NOT LET ME SLEEP ALL WEEKEND. He really enjoyed nibbling on MY FACE as soon as I drifted off to sleep. I think he thought that I was his mommy, with magical nipples on my cheekbones and nose.
That would be disconcerting.

Nor did he want to let me read. He's a prodigy in the Feline Campaign Against Literacy. (That's right, cats. I know what you're doing.)
But he suuuure is CUTE.
I miss the little duck.
Go ahead, enlarge a picture. Look at how scruffy he is.
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