Remember when we used to do a Wednesday Writing Assignment at float? Ah yes, that was fun, but I quickly ran out of ideas.
A weekly question is easier, though.
Question: Do you have a tool or object that is like a trusted friend to you? What is it?
I'll also answer in the comments.
revision99 is 20
4 months ago
Why yes, I do. I love my paring knife. It feels like a natural extension of my hand, a conveniently sharp finger.
G. used it to slash open the stitching on a bag of rice last week, and I felt my paring knife scream. I asked G. not to do that anymore. When he left the room, I picked up the knife and apologized to it.
I like our santoku and our chef's knife, too, but for some reason, that little paring knife has a hold over me.
I call my foam tube my second boyfriend. When I used to get headaches (I haven't for a long time now -- yay!), I could lay down lengthwise on the tube and stretch my arms out, and it would hit just the right spot between my shoulders.
I also have a third boyfriend. It saved my sanity after I started taking some medication that affected my, um, ability to, uh... OK, let's just say it performs in a boyfriendly fashion, and it was worth every penny, I tell you what.
Was that TMI? Because now I'm thinking it was TMI.
Ha! After I posted the question, I immediately thought that everyone would jump to vibrators and such. So no, not TMI; I walked right into that.
Other than my computers?
Actually, I turn all of my regularly used tools and objects into friends, and I am very, very loyal to them. I even think of my habits as my trusted friends, because they are tools by which I manage bits of information or piles of stuff.
Which is a long-winded way of saying that I would have a difficult time choosing one or two objects or tools that fall into the category you describe, and which probably says something about me, but I'm not sure what. (I do know what you mean by your question, I just don't know how to narrow down the answer to one thing.)
Narya, I think it's groovy that all your trusted helpers are loved equally. I would never make you choose a favorite child.
The one that is with me the most and gets used the most would have to be my stainless steel Parker T-Ball Jotter. I don't think they call them that anymore, but the pen has remained unchanged since the 60's, and mine has been in my pocket or clipped on the collar of my T-shirt for 20 years. Medium black ink, a perfect fit, no leaking or smearing. Just fancy enough (shiny all-steel) that nobody thinks it's OK just to walk off with it, but still under ten bucks. I know people who have two hundred dollar Mountblancs, weighing like a pound and a half and requiring you to remove a cap to use it. I just laugh at them.
What is wrong with you Blogger people with no profile pictures?
Larry--I would have lost that pen ten times over by now. It's lucky to have you.
We don't have profiles pictures just to annoy you.
It's working.
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