I went back to the drum circle for the first time in a while. We drum ceremonially, in a sort of eclectic, catchall, Native-Celtic-pagan way. Well, that's the structure; I see it is a chance to drop into that right-brained, creative space where symbols live instead of words. I don't necessarily believe in the Goddess etc., except as vivid symbols. (Don't tell the others.)
Before the drumming begins, we go around the circle and share our intentions. Most of the women have very prayerful intentions: healing on some level, giving thanks, offering blessings. These are lovely. Tonight, my intentions were threefold: to support the others in their intentions; to be open to new possibilities, in the circle and in life; and to be juicy! and creative!
We drum for each of the Four Directions: East (Wind), South (Fire), West (Water), and North (Earth). In the East, the direction of Winged Ones, I normally see eagles or owls soaring above tall pines. But tonight: goldfish. A school of shiny goldfish flew through the blue sky. And then, crisp white sheets flapping on clotheslines, with hummingbirds darting all around. New possibilities, hello! Let's turn everything on its head--YES.
In the South, I usually find myself around a campfire in a tribal setting, all of us dancing in a circle in the deep woods. But tonight--Carnival in Rio! Opa! Oh, how we danced on the float, the samba rhythms sweeping is down the crowded street. And wearing costumes--transformation. Axe, muito axe!
In the West, I often go for a canoe trip and meet some river animals. Tonight, however, was no ordinary night. I stood on the ocean shore, and the goldfish returned. They took me into an Atlantic City casino and we gambled, drank, and laughed! When I returned to the shore, the crabs sitting in the low tide mud were playing cards, too. Gambling, taking risks, having fun.
The North was a trip to Africa, where I danced under the giant tree where the first human live. The ancestral homeland of us all, Mama Afrikka. It was groovy.
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4 months ago
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