Marathon shopping day, people! First, I got my hair cut. Tired of spending $50 a pop on my beloved hairdresser, as much as I love her, I decided to try out the $14.95 Quick Cuts across the street from my condo. I brought in a photo of the 'do that inspired my current cut and gave the stylist instructions to tidy up my overgrown hair, following the cuts made by my talented regular hairdresser (though of course I didn't put it like that). She did a passable job, but clearly this cut was a stretch for her. She worked laboriously and carefully, expressing surprise at the number of layers in my hair, whereas my usual superhero stylist snip-snip-snips while sharing gossip about her MIL, dog, and the hoity-toity neighbors. Still, I am tidied and richer than I would be.
From there, off to The Paper Store for marathon gift-and-card buying. June brings my sister's birthday, a friend's birthday, my mom's birthday and retirement, and Father's Day. Plus, I wanted to treat myself to a new journal and a sharp-looking pen & notebook for the start of graduate school next weekend. I emerged much, much later with everything but Father's Day and my notebook done, bearing stylish color-coordinated gift wrap and all, too burnt out to purchase for The Dads.
Then, to the used book store for a few novels for myself! I selected this (title sounded familiar) and this ('cause I loved Possession) and this (which I figured would be an interesting read for a future ESL teacher). All three for the delicious price of $10.24.
A quick stop at CVS for sunscreen (on sale), headbands (also on sale and very cute with the tidied locks), and that notebook (they carry recycled now!), and then back home.
We ate wonderful tuna sandwiches for lunch (with provolone, of course), I napped, read some of the Garcia Girls (liking the first two chapters), and then took a practice MTEL reading comprehension test. The MTEL is a state-mandated test for teaching licensure. I kicked ass and so will ignore the advice to take a practice exam for the general sections. Tomorrow I'll take a crack at the writing test. These general "communication and literacy skills tests" are not the ones I'm worried about; I'll admit that the subject area test in ESL has me nervous, but only because I don't yet know anything about ESL.
OK, so then, I did some free YouTube Pilates. (I like the woman in the sculpting Pilates video because she reminds me of Kristin Davis' Charlotte York, who is the only reason I sometimes watch SATC.) Inspired by my workouts, I browsed Amazon for exercise DVDs. I found this one new for just $3.17, shipping from my own state, for a grand total of $6. The shopping gods were with me.
I don't really have a good way to end this ramble of a post.
revision99 is 20
4 months ago
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