Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Lost Art of Conversation

What has happened to conversation? Are there no charming conversationalists left in the world? The typical "conversation" I witness these days is not dialog, but a series of parallel monologues. Then--if at an especially good gathering-- someone may jump in to make a witty quip, to which another picks up the thread with his/her own monologue, anon.


Here are some tips for making conversation:
  1. Show interest in the other people present. Ask the occasional question. Listen to the response.
  2. Do not drone on forever. Make a pleasantly succinct response to a question, then turn the spotlight to someone else, maybe by asking a question in kind.
  3. Do not be terse when asked a question. Give a thoughtful answer of more than two words. Allow your response to be a platform for continuing conversation.
  4. Draw others into the conversation. "Oh, John, I recall that you also studied art/lived in Canada/enjoy fishing/speak Swahili."
  5. The bottom line is, become engaged with the other conversants. It is not your show. Nor is a festive occasion your private nap time. It may take practice, but make an effort and you shall be rewarded. If it is too much for you, make a gracious early departure.
kStyle, who was just stuck for 4 hours at a party where she could not engage anyone in conversation except the guy whose attention was divided with watching his toddler, nor did anyone ask her a single question, so busy were they monologuing at each other bitching about work, except for the person texting on her cell.


Ann Forstie said...

Yes. Yes, yes yes. Yes.

kStyle said...

Ann, is there a story attached to those yeses?

Ann Forstie said...

Nah, not really. I just happen to know a lot of people who like to go on and on and on...

I also wish coworkers wouldn't complain to me about other coworkers. I just don't want to hear it.

kStyle said...

Me, too! It's so rude.