I've decided I can't stand the Dem wars anymore. Clinton, Obama: grow up. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'll be voting for McCain in the general.
Heck, he looks like a Dem if you squint.
revision99 is 20
4 months ago
This was supposed to be a blog about extracting every ounce of pleasure from life, but it seems to be, in fact, largely a dream journal with notes on baking, Trader Joe's, and celebrity chefs.
April Fools.
McCain? McCain?! Nobody in their right mind would vote for McCain!
It's Ron Paul all the way, baby.
RON PAUL 2008!
I didn't get a chance to read this on April Fool's Day, but... ya got me. I read it just now and I almost choked on my coffee. My first thought was "Jeez, if kStyle (of all people) is thinking like this, we might actually lose this one." I almost went out to update my passport.
Ann: Ron Paul! Fabulous! Thanks for the chuckle. :D
Larry: If you're just humoring me, I appreciate it.
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