I would never lie to you. Here. Enjoy. Come tell me about it afterwards.
PS We used light coconut milk. We actually prefer it. Less, well, heavy. Lets the spices come through.
revision99 is 20
4 months ago
This was supposed to be a blog about extracting every ounce of pleasure from life, but it seems to be, in fact, largely a dream journal with notes on baking, Trader Joe's, and celebrity chefs.
Looks delish. Weirdly. we actually have tilapia, coconut milk and turmeric on hand, so, not far from being able to put this recipe together.
That is weird. Do you also have the frozen tilapia from Trader Joe's?
My (frozen) tilapia is from Costco. In case you are not familiar with Costco, they sell things in ENORMOUS quantities. So I have a lot of fish in the freezer...
Oh, I am familiar with Costco! That must be a lotta darn fish.
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