I am having, writing my key professional beliefs on teaching. It's one of 3 assignments for our class portfolio, and mine is gunky, lean, and bordering on incoherent.
I used to write great essays all the time, banging out several a week at the height of AP English. Twelve years later, I'm a little rusty. Oh, I sure can copyedit your essay, my essay, anyone's essay--but generating content and affixing it in words arranged in clear, un-choppy sentences ordered in sensible paragraphs? That is another beast entirely.
Add to it the fact that I'm not actually a teacher so my beliefs are at worst fiction and at best theory, and we have...a mess.
At least writing my lesson plans is going better.
P.S. I can also write an incredibly effective email for you in about 1 minute. When I was accustomed to the academic essay, I could not have done this. I suppose I am having difficulty elaborating on ANYTHING after years in of need-to-know corporate communication. Want an email? So glad you asked.
Hi George:
I've uploaded the art for chs 1-4 to your ftp site (folder: art.7.25).
Please note:
Figs. 1-2, 1-4, and 1-6 require revision. Scans w/edits attached.
Fig 2-4 is FPO. Please leave 24p wide x 13p tall.
Please adjust color of fig 3-5 to grayscale.
I would appreciate seeing pages for Friday, Aug. 1.
If you have questions, you know where to find me!
Update: Thanks a great deal to Narya, my essay is now a thing of pride. Woo, and indeed, hoo!
revision99 is 20
4 months ago
Feel free to (a) call me this weekend (I'll be at home editing), and/or (b) send me scribblings to read/ponder. Given that a chunk of my work life still involves something like academic essays, I may be able to help.
Oh, thank you! It's actually due tomorrow, and began coming together this morning. Thank heavens. :)
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